In 2015, the BBC and Coolabi Productions re-introduced Clangers – a beloved British stop motion classic children’s television series of short stories about a family of mouse-like creatures who live on, and inside a moon-like planet. The original series was originally broadcast between 1969-1972. For the new series, Peg Digital, a specialist games design company was commissioned to create an online interactive game as a complimentary educational resource aimed at three to six year olds.
The new series is beautifully realised, keeping the visual quality of the hand made knitted characters but updated through better lighting design and smoother stop-motion animation. Peg Digital decided to make heavy use of rich character animation and bring in many of the show’s beautifully realised locations and sets. The final game is an interactive, explorative experience in which the player helps four Clangers, one-by-one to find and mend objects that have been blown around and damaged by gusts of wind on the Clangers’ planet.
Online Resources
The video gives an an introduction to the game and you can also play it online on the BBC's CBBC website. Play game >>